Muhamad Alda


Currently, it is hoped that information technology will provide many conveniences for consumers. Because of its ease of use, information technology makes it easier to process data that was previously done manually to become systematic. A newer feature is the use of applications that have been systemized in Android on smartphones. Mitra Karya Cooperative is one of the cooperatives that performs data processing using the Microsoft Excel application, so there are still problems that occur regarding the completeness and security as well as the data distribution process. Building an Android application to process customer data, savings data, and online lending data at the Mitra Karya Cooperative is the goal of this research. The spiral system development methodology, which includes phases of customer communication, planning, risk analysis, engineering, construction, and disposal as well as customer evaluation, is used in this study. While the model used by the author to visually design the application uses the UML (Unified Modeling Language) model. The Kodular framework and Airtable database are used in the development of Android-based applications. The outcome of the research is an android-based application that can be used to assist Mitra Karya Cooperative in resolving issues related to the cooperative data processing process, which consists of processing customer data, processing deposit data, and processing customer loan data online using an Android device.

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